Getting to college is not easy, never has been, and having to do everything while still in your senior year of high doesn't make it any easier. A majority of high school students don't understand the process, but that's what the Counseling and Career Center is for, to help students get the information they need.
Attention Students Grades 9-12:
If you're exploring college options, check out these college fair opportunities:
PNACAC Virtual College Fair: WA Live times Oct. 19-23
Virtual College Fairs:
As we grow up, moving from elementary school through middle school on up to high school, we can't wait to be older. But as the end of our senior approaches fears of what we are suppose to do next can plague us. All of a sudden everything that our parents, teachers, and adult friends have done for us is going to be our own responsibility. That can be down right terrifying for some seniors. But college isn't just where you earn a degree in a specific field of study; it's where you further your education in what you need as an adult.
Maybe the idea of being somewhere where everyone is a stranger is not comforting, but that doesn't mean it can't turn out to be an amazing experience.
Listening to the adults in your life talk about how great their college experience is may be boring, but it can be useful as well. To find out what college is like for your own generation, why not contact those friends that graduated last year, or the year before and see what they have to say. You might be surprised.