Pre-order your yearbook today!

All yearbooks are purchased online at 

You may pre-order your yearbook at any time after the first day of school. We order a certain amount of yearbooks and cannot guarantee that there will be enough for everyone, so please order early to ensure your student will receive a yearbook at the end of the year distribution and signing day.

CLASS Of 2025

Yearbook Senior picture, quote, and Dedication ad Information

CONTACT: Jennifer Wheeler YB Advisor
(360) 332-6045 ext 1142

DEADLINE: Senior pictures are due Friday December 6th 2024  for inclusion in the senior section of the Yearbook. However; we will accept them anytime before that date. Please be aware if you do not submit a picture your school picture will be used. If you do not submit a picture OR have a school picture taken you will not be included in the senior picture section of the yearbook. Mrs.Wheeler would be happy to take a few headshots of your senior at school, please  contact her to make arrangements.

The basics for senior pictures:

  • A vertical picture saved in JPEG format and a resolution of 300 dpi or greater.

  • Seniors photos must be in color

  • Head shot, full or partial body shots are acceptable. 

  • Do not cut the head/headline at the top of the photo.

  • If you use an outside background, be aware of what is behind you.

  • Photos must be large enough so they are not pixelated when printed

What is not allowed for the senior picture:   cars, animals, or props.
Pictures cannot contain weapons or drug/alcohol related references, black and white photos.

How to submit your senior picture:
Email your senior picture to Mrs.Wheeler at include the seniors first and last name in the subject line.
If you do not receive a reply from Mrs.Wheeler, that means your photo has not been received. 

We do reserve the right to decline a picture if parameters are not followed.

DEADLINE: The senior quote is due Friday December 6, 2024 - Seniors will be sent a google form via their school email and the google classroom to enter their quote.

This will be a message from you to your friends and family as a final way to be remembered and will be placed next to your senior picture in the yearbook.
Seniors may either choose to write their own message or quote someone else. If they choose to quote someone else, they must give the author credit, by including their name. 

1. “Whenever you remember times gone by, remember how we held our heads so high.” — Carrie Underwood
2. “One person’s craziness is another person’s reality.” – Tim Burton

Please do not do the following:
The Office, episode 8 15:23. We will not publish this, instead give the quote.

Let it represent you and your personality.
The maximum word count for your quote is 25 words in length. 
No swear words, no drug or alcohol related phrases, sexual innuendos, and no abbreviations. 

All quotes will be checked by Mrs. Wheeler and Ms. Eide, if it is deemed inappropriate, we will not publish your quote. So, please use good judgment so you are not in this situation, we would like to have as many quotes as possible in the yearbook for your graduating class.

DUE DATE JANUARY 13th-19th 2025 : Don’t forget to congratulate your senior or a special group of seniors good luck as they venture onto “bigger and better” things. Parents, grandparents, etc. can purchase ad space in the yearbook. Buying a senior ad gives you, your family, and your friends a chance to show their feelings of pride, love and admiration for the graduating senior. It also gives the senior a special lasting memory of the one greatest accomplishments in their life. The yearbook staff will design the ad, all you need to do is send in the required items and know it will all be taken care of. * A dedication ad is not something you have to do; it is merely up to each family to choose if they want to purchase an advertisement.

Directions for dedication ads:  Please email the following information along with your appropriate number of pictures and message to . Payment is required to reserve a space for your senior ad. 
Payment will be available online through the school at this link
These will not be available for purchase until January 2025.

DUE DATE JANUARY 13th-19th 2025

Students name _________________________________________
Parents name ________________________________________
Phone number: home _______________ cell ________________
Email Address:________________________________
Ad layout size ___________(¼ page1-5 pictures, ½ page 6-8 pictures, full page 10-12 pictures)
Number of pictures included:_________
¼ page $70.00 (1-4 pictures 50 word message max )
½ page $100.00 ( 6-8 pictures 80 word message max) 
full page $135.00 (10 pictures 150 words max )

Message to Senior:
