Blaine School District values the support of our community in making improvements to our campus facilities. Our district is privileged to have had the opportunity to make much needed improvements to multiple facilities with resources approved by voters. As fiscal agents and representatives of the financial support shown by our community, we are committed to the responsible use of our resources and management of our capital projects.

Birch Bay Property Purchase for Future School Site
School Board Resolution No. 1415-04 directs the district to purchase land for future development in the Birch Bay community. After pausing during the pandemic, the district is still currently evaluating property for feasibility of development and is committed to delivering on its promise to secure land to eventually house a new elementary school as approved by voters in the 2018 Technology and Capital Projects Levy.

Capital Bond Initiative - November 5, 2024

Blaine School District is asking voters to consider a bond proposal to fund updates to school facilities that would benefit all students across the district and the community. Informational materials are linked below and additional updates will be added to this page throughout the upcoming weeks.

Blaine Middle School Entrance

Contact Dr. Christopher Granger

Superintendent, Blaine School District

2023 Facility Task Force

In 2023, a Facility Task Force was assembled for the purpose of reviewing the district’s facility needs. The task force included 14 members, with representation from staff, parents and community members. Over the course of several monthly meetings, current needs were reviewed and prioritized with consideration to both short-term and projected longer-term impacts and tax implications. The following task force recommendations were provided to the School Board in August of 2023.

IMMEDIATE PRIORITY (current resources)

Proposed Projects


Blaine Primary School Dry Sprinkler System

System within exterior soffits has poor condition and continual maintenance

Requires replacement or revision of soffits


Proposed Projects


Blaine Middle School Capital Improvements
(including PAC upgrades)
—represents largest commitment of funds

Concern about security features, supervision

Restrooms inadequate--highlighted concerns

Condition of multiple building systems

Overall condition and aging (1956 construction)

Spaces not meeting program needs, including basic circulation

Include PAC upgrades as part of project (no updates in 20 years)

Pipeline Athletic Park
—RESTROOMS!, concessions and field upgrades
—creating easier-to-maintain facilities

Field durability - Addition of turf

Softball and Baseball complex upgrades - batting cages, concessions



Opportunity for expanded community use in west end

Facility can be used by the entire community

Main Campus HVAC, Mechanical, and Electrical Work
primarily BPS, BES

Replacement of rooftop units

Improvement to air quality/condition

Electrical and fire panels

Point Roberts Primary School
—based on needs shared in community feedback

Driveway improvement

Lighting for safety, security, and supervision

Playground improvements

Master Plan Design Work
readiness for future school, including design and site preparedness

Birch Bay site fields - Community use

Birch Bay Elementary - Campus

Blaine Elementary

Future use of main campus space


Proposed Projects


Birch Bay Elementary School

Enrollment not currently urgent

Design work included in short term needs

Timing when right and ready

Blaine Elementary School

Aging facility

Layout and classroom size challenges

Transportation Facility Upgrades or Relocation

Consider in relation to potential enrollment changes and destinations, including Birch Bay school routes

District Office Expansion

Office space constraints

Consideration of overall complex of white house, green field, roundhouse, parking