Located at 765 H Street, Blaine, WA 98230
Mailing address: 765 H Street, Blaine, WA 98230

Phone: 360.332.0747 or 360.332.0726

Washington students are tested regularly by the state to assess their progress as they move through school. State tests include the following, and may be taken with or without tools, supports, or accommodations*:

Tools are available to all students and can be used at the student's discretion. Supports are available to English language learners and any student with a need identified by an educator. Accommodations are for students who receive special education services with a documented need noted in an IEP or 504 plan.

Learn more by reading Assessment Resources for Families.

If a student's IEP documents the need for an accommodation that is not addressed within the guidelines, the student's IEP team may have their school district personnel submit a Non-Standard Accommodation Request form.

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