Blaine School District is committed to providing a safe and civil educational environment for all students and adults that is free from harassment, intimidation, or bullying (HIB). While social media discussions about bullying concerns are common, these do not initiate an official school response. If your student is being bullied at school, it is crucial to take appropriate proactive steps to report the incident(s).
As described in the district’s HIB Procedure 3207P, an Incident Reporting Form should be filled out by a staff member, student, or parent and submitted to the school's building administrator. This form is attached to Procedure 3207P in BoardDocs.
The building administrator will carry out an interview no later than five school days after receiving the report (HIB form). All relevant parties, including staff and informed students, will be interviewed, and previous complaints will be reviewed.
The building administrator will create action plans if necessary, assess violations of Nondiscrimination Policy 3210 and Procedure 3210P, and notify parents in writing about the investigation and outcomes within two school days of the investigation’s completion.
Taking the proper steps ensures that our schools can act effectively to support your student and create a safer environment. Additionally, for bullying that occurs off campus and outside of school hours, resources like can provide guidance and support for those situations. If you have concerns about bullying, please first reach out to the campus administration for assistance. If further support is needed, you may then contact the Superintendent's Office for additional guidance.