This year at the SJMEA Solo and Ensemble festival held in person at Bellingham High School, The Blaine Choir program offered up 15 performances in total, and a great showing overall. Each student worked on their solo with an accompanist in and outside of school.
A note from Choir Director Andy Marshall; "Considering we were virtual the week before the performance, so we were not able to rehearse in our normal class time, and also that some of our performers were home sick on the day of the performance, we still persevered and made an impressive showing. I'd Like to thank our HS admin for helping arrange transportation, The Blaine Fine Arts Association (BFAA) for paying the entry fees for our students and a huge thanks to Charles Streeter and Nanette Meaker for providing wonderful professional accompaniment for all our performers."
We would all like to thank Mr. Marshall and all of the participating students for their hard work and dedication and for representing our Borderite community. We honor you and your hard work, along with the courage it takes to put yourself out there and perform! Thank you for adding beauty to our world with your music.