Meet Kim Ingham and hear why she loves being a school bus driver! Free training for new bus drivers begins Aug. 1st. Call (360) 332-0700 or email for more information.
"As a 30 year employee, I’ve been lucky enough to work in several different jobs for Blaine School District, including Maintenance & Grounds, and 27 years in Food Service as a lunch lady and cashier.
I feel grateful that I’m finishing out my years of service as a School Bus Driver for our Transportation Department. I’m in my 4th year, and I love being a bus driver at Blaine.
Many of my former lunch students are actually now riding my bus which has been fun for them and me! It makes me feel old, but some of the parents of my bus riders are also former students. They knew me as their lunch lady, and now I’m their child’s bus driver.
One of the most rewarding and important benefits of being a school employee is the relationships we build with students. As a bus driver, I’m the first to greet students in the morning, and then I get to hear about their day on the ride home.
It always makes me smile and feel special when I’m out in public and students whose lives I’ve been a small part of, remember and acknowledge me in a positive way."
Thanks for your service to our students and families Kim and for helping make the #BorderiteFamily truly a family!