Dear students, staff, families and community,
We finish this week officially in the season of Fall. All of our buildings have now held Open Houses, invited families in to meet teachers and learn about their students’ routines. I was glad to be able to greet families of our K-8 students in both Pt. Roberts and Blaine this week and to see our wonderful staff interacting with you all.
We held our first Substitute Job Fair on Monday and were pleased to see lots of new faces inquiring about joining the Borderite Family! Join us for our second opportunity this Monday, September 26th from 7-11 A.M., being held in the Blaine School District Boardroom. (This is adjacent to the district office parking lot at 765 H Street, and is often referred to as "the roundhouse", because of its shape.) District staff members will be there to answer your questions and assist with the application process. We’ll also have some light continental breakfast options and door prizes for the first ten people to submit applications.
There will also be fingerprint services available for applicants for a fee of only $20! If you would like us to expedite your background check by mailing your fingerprints the same day, please read the information on our Substitutes page about Fingerprint Background Checks and bring the necessary payment with you.
We are always hiring substitutes for teaching, nursing, administrative assistants, bus drivers, food services, paraeducators and more! We are currently accepting applications for Emergency Substitute Teachers! If you have a bachelor's degree (or higher) in any field, and have an interest in subbing, please view the requirements on our new Substitutes page.
Each year we use past enrollment data to project the number of students we anticipate in each grade level. We started the school year with seven kindergarten classrooms, anticipating 140+ kindergarten students. Our actual enrollment is below that projection. This is in line with a current national trend, with states reporting an average of between 15-50% fewer kindergarten students this school year. Since state funding is based upon actual student enrollment and not projections, we have made the very difficult but fiscally responsible decision to reduce two sections of Kindergarten. The primary school staff has worked hard this week to help all of the students adjust to these changes.
We understand families would have preferred the smaller class sizes - we would too, but it is not fiscally sustainable to maintain class sizes in the teens. With the classes being combined the class sizes will be in the low 20’s, which is consistent with our class sizes in previous years. The reassigned teachers will be used to fill open leave replacement and substitute positions, which has been a huge problem district-wide.
Join me on Wednesday, September 28th at the Orange and Black Box Theater (entrance at the back of the high school, behind Borderite Stadium) for the next Supper with the Superintendent at 6 P.M. It is a town hall style opportunity to ask questions and bring forward any concerns you might have. I look forward to these evenings, as it’s an opportunity for me to hear from you.
Monday, Oct. 10th - 2 Hour Late Start K-12 Thursday, Oct. 13th - Mobile Dental Van @ BES (forms due 10/7)
It’s a great night to be a Borderite, and, as always, a great night to be your superintendent.
Dr. Christopher Granger
Each Student. Each Day.