Some of our Meal Delivery Routes have updated times and locations based on what we learned today. Visit our page for more information.
Visit our YouTube Channel at Blaine School District, WA for a COVID-19 closure update from Dr. Granger.
The regular school board meeting scheduled at 7pm on Monday, March 23, will be held at the Blaine School District Office instead of in Point Roberts. Click this link for additional information:
Our COVID-19 Nutrition Plan begins with the weekday distribution of meals tomorrow, Wednesday, March 18, 2020. Visit our new COVID-19 Nutrition page for more details, including maps and addresses for the delivery routes. All children, regardless of student status, will be fed.
The Board of Directors will hold an emergency meeting at 7pm this evening, March 16. The agenda is available on BoardDocs which can be accessed at and additional information about this meeting is available at
STUDENT MEDICATION PICK UP TODAY (3/16) 10:30 am to 12:30 pm & 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Primary and Elementary School students' meds can be picked up at the Primary School and Middle and High School students' meds at the Middle School during these hours.
All Blaine Schools will be closed beginning Monday, March 16, 2020. Please see our website for more information.
Blaine Thrives after school program is cancelled effective immediately, no Thrives beginning Thursday, March 12, 2020, and until further notice.
7th-12th grade families: the choir concert scheduled for tomorrow, March 12, 2020, has been cancelled.
Please see our new Communicable Disease Information web page for a message from Dr. Granger as of 11:35 March 11, 2020
Tune in to our YouTube channel, Blaine School District, WA, tonight at 5:30 for the debut of our new series Bedtime Stories for Little Borderites
March 2nd - March 6th, K-8 Conferences, Early Dismissal 12:50 p.m. No Blaine Thrives after school program during conferences. (There is also no Blaine Thrives on Monday, March 9, 2020)
Join us for the 7th-12th grade band concert this Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 7 p.m. in the PAC.
All Blaine Schools will be closed Friday, February 14, 2020 for Mid Winter Break and Monday, February 17, 2020 for President's Day. There is also no Blaine Thrives after school program these days.
The Board of Directors will hold a work session, facilitated by Rich Parker, at 3pm on February 24. Click this link to view the full public notice:
Reminder Blaine Thrives Families: The family meal is tonight from 4:30 to 5:30 (This is a time change from previous family meals.)
Blaine Thrives after school program is cancelled today, Tuesday, February 4, 2020, due to weather.
SCHEDULE REMINDER: Late Start (10:20am) for all students on Monday, February 3rd. Have a great weekend Borderites!
Blaine Schools and all school related activities are canceled for Friday, January 17, 2020.
We are continuing to monitor weather and road conditions and will make an announcement at 5:30 am regarding school for Friday, Jan 17th.