Dear students, staff, families and community,
It’s Homecoming Week on our BHS campus, and the air is charged with excitement. The Borderites will take on the Shorewood Thunderbirds at 7:00 P.M. tonight under the lights in Borderite Stadium. Several notable Borderite athletes will be inducted into the Blaine Athletic Booster Club’s Hall of Fame this weekend, including two championship teams from 1990. The inductees will be introduced during half time at tonight’s game, and the induction ceremony will be held at the stadium at 2:00 P.M. on Saturday, October 9th. Congratulations to all these worthy athletes!
This week our district wide COVID response team has continued to work on its processes to make this new world of COVID and schools as safe and seamless as possible. We know this time of having to keep your students at home with a runny nose or a headache is difficult. We know, because many of the members of our response team are also parents of students and are going through the same struggles. We are now using an online form that is emailed to parents of absent students and guides them through the information needed. We want you to know we are listening to your feedback and making adjustments as we are able. We want this to be easier for everyone, and we continue to strive for that.
End of Quarter:
Don’t forget the last school day for the quarter is coming up on Thursday, October 28th. Friday, October 29th is a Non- Student Day. Middle school and high school families can find any missing assignments and grade information in Skyward Family Access, and now would be a good time to get them working on anything they might need help with. Also, please be sure to communicate with your student’s teacher if more help is needed.
Food Menu:
We’ve had a lot of questions about the school menu this month. Like school districts all across the country, we are experiencing massive disruptions in our food supply chain, making it almost impossible to say in advance what the meals will be. We did post a tentative menu to the website this morning, but please know the likelihood of changes is high. We are doing our best to keep the Dining portion of our app updated at least a day or two in advance. If you haven’t downloaded the app yet, you can find it in your devices app store by searching “Blaine School District, WA”. Once downloaded, select your student's school, then tap Menu and choose Dining. I’d like to extend gratitude to our entire Food Services department, as they are working very hard to be creative during these tough times to keep our students fed every day.
Don’t forget: Monday, October 11, 2021 is a late start day meaning morning bus routes and the start of school are 2 hours later.
It’s a great night to be a Borderite, and as always, a great night to be your superintendent.
Dr. Christopher Granger
Every Student Every Day. In a New Way!